"Set in an off-world and recently abandoned water treatment facility: the "Triton Edge Complex" had once supplied desert fuel-mining colonies with absolutely necessary water from deep mining wells. In such an environment where the key to these colonies' survival was so obviously water, it only made sense that this facility would be the first target of an opposing power's greedy eye. It now stands as a monument to the importance of colony defense."
This first step was my initial quick pencil and basic color concept to decide what sort of viewpoint, blending interior and exterior spaces, we were trying to achieve.
From here, my friend John created this simple geometry (below) in Maya and sent me many angles to decide upon, from which I agreed to paint over this one:
First, I began by blocking in general light sources and suggestions of where the most detail would be.
And soon after, using the perspective already apparent in the 3D geometry, begin to add in objects, color, and more detail. After this point, pictured below, everything has already been set up and it is just a matter of time and effort put into detailing. We also wanted to maintain a rusty feel, hence the predominant rust color and rough textures.
Finally, after approximately two hours total, the piece is ready to be used as a reference to be modeled and textured!
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